The Revolutionary Nutraceutical Transforming Hair Health at Every Stage of its Cycle.
Posted by Hairmax Blog
The Revolutionary Nutraceutical Transforming Hair Health at Every Stage of its Cycle.
Imagine waking up every morning to find more strands of hair on your pillow and less on your head. It's a disheartening experience that can erode your confidence and make you feel less like yourself. Hair thinning is a common issue, but it doesn't have to be a permanent one. You are not alone in this struggle, there's a new supplement designed to help you combat this problem head-on. 

Introducing Actonis ™, a dual action hair nutraceutical, designed to provide optimal nutrition for every phase of the hair cycle.  Actonis ™ was created by Hairmax, the global leader and expert in laser hair growth technology, blending innovation with essential nutrients known to support healthy hair.

Hair & Scalp Benefits of Actonis™

Whether you're looking to enhance hair thickness, help promote growth, or reduce hair fall, Actonis™ offers a comprehensive solution to address your hair care needs.

Here’s results that  makes Actonis™ stand out:

  • Increased hair thickness by 20% after 12 weeks compared to baseline*(3)

  • Increased hair growth by nearly 20% in as little as 3 weeks compared to baseline*(1)

  • Reduced hair fall by 52%*(3)

  • Increase in hair density as early as 3 weeks vs. Placebo*(3)

  • Reduced DHT by 64%**


Seeing is believing! Explore the remarkable before-and-after results achieved with Actonis™. These images showcase the significant improvements in hair thickness, growth, and density experienced by real users.

 Actual Actonis™ Nutraceutical user study photo showing results by taking 2 capsules per day for 90 days. Individual results may vary.


Designed to Address Every Phase of the Hair Cycle, Anagen, Catagen and Telogen

Achieving full, healthy hair isn't just about surface appearance; it requires addressing the stages of the hair growth cycle. Actonis™ recognizes the importance of targeting each of these stages at the follicle level.

Actonis™ ensures that your hair receives vital nutrients throughout its entire journey. With consistent usage, Actonis promotes stronger hair growth and fosters fuller, more vibrant hair overall.


Anagen (Growth Phase)

During this phase, cells in the hair root divide rapidly, leading to new hair growth. Actonis™ is designed to help extend this phase.

Catagen (Transitional Phase)

This short phase signals the end of active hair growth.
Actonis™ can help in minimizing hair fall during this phase by strengthening the hair follicles.

Telogen (Resting + Shedding Phase)

In this stage, the hair is shedding and not actively growing.
Actonis™ can help shorten the resting phase by return to the growth phase

The Ingredients and Science Behind Actonis™

  • *Biotin 10,000 mcg from Lustriva® is 40x more soluble than D-Biotin – New and superior form of highly absorbable biotin, silicon, and magnesium biotinate help to regulate hair follicle production and hair growth cycle.

  • +Ashwaghanda – Natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Reduces cortisol and strengthens hair follicles to help support hair growth. 

  • ** Moroccan Prickly Pear – DHT Blocker, with Vitamin F, Vitamin E, Omega-6 and Omega-9, antioxidants, and amino acids. Helps support a healthy scalp and promote hair growth. 

  • ++Curcumin – Anti-inflammatory properties help address hair loss and improve damaged hair. 

  • Saw Palmetto – DHT Blocker may help prevent hair loss by reducing the uptake of DHT in your hair follicles.

Actonis™ ingredients are vegan, gluten free & non-GMO, including the capsule casing, which is derived from plants and made of cellulose.

Dual Action Formula Targets Both Hair & Scalp

Hair Formula Capsules:

  • Fortifies hair shaft
  • Thickens hair
  • Seals cuticle

Scalp Formula Capsules:

  • Helps block DHT
  • Helps reduce inflammation & stress
  • Helps increase blood flow to the hair bulb


Compare to other hair supplements

Unlike other leading brands like Nutrafol, which require 4 capsules per day and 3-6 months to show results, Actonis™ delivers noticeable improvements in just 3 weeks with only 2 capsules per day. Priced lower than Nutrafol, Actonis™ offers a more effective and affordable solution, setting a new standard in hair health with its holistic approach and rapid results

An unbeatable duo for hair growth, health & wellness

Experience an unbeatable duo for hair growth, health, and wellness by combining Actonis™ Dual Action Nutraceutical with the Actonis™ Laser Therapy Hair Growth Device. These products work in perfect harmony to create synergistic effects, dramatically enhancing your hair growth outcomes.

The Actonis 18 Dual Action LaserComb, FDA-cleared and clinically proven, boasts a remarkable 97% success rate in regrowing hair, with an average increase of 133 new hairs per square inch. Together, these cutting-edge solutions provide a comprehensive approach to achieving fuller, healthier hair.

To transform your hair care routine and achieve healthier, fuller hair growth, try Actonis now for unprecedented results. By incorporating it into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps toward combating hair loss and reclaiming your confidence.

Don’t let thinning hair define you. Embrace this opportunity to nourish your hair from the inside out, and look forward to seeing the vibrant, healthy hair you deserve. It’s time to turn the tide on hair loss and start a new chapter with fuller, more resilient hair.



*In a clinical study compared to baseline, Lustriva™

  1. Compared to baseline
  2. In a pre-clinical study
  3. In a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical study
+Ashwagandha – Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine |Jul – Sep 2012| Vol 34 | Issue 3 |
**In a clinical study compared to baseline using DM33 Prickly Pear Cactus Flower – Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2021:15
++Curcumin – Drug Design, Development and Therapy International Peer Reviewed Journal 2021:15


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