Attaining self-confidence is a tedious process. Like any other process, however, taking it one step at a time will eventually bring you there. One small step towards building self-esteem is having a “good hair day” every day. Hair is one part of your overall physical appearance. If your appearance radiates positivity, then people receive you positively. If you are well-received, you’ll ultimately have a more optimistic view of yourself.
Bad Hair Day And Your Self Esteem
A 2007 study conducted by researchers from Yale University found that a “bad hair day” affects self-esteem, including men. The study found that a bad hair day lowers self-esteem resulting in poor performance in jobs and other social activities. Participants interviewed for the study said they felt less smart during bad hair days. Interestingly, this feeling of inferiority was more common among the males interviewed for the study. The men felt more anxious, unsure of themselves, and tended to be more withdrawn during their bad hair days. Women, on the other hand, felt more self-conscious during bad hair days. Both men and women who participated in the study attested to feeling more negativity towards themselves during days when their hair looked bad.

There was also a 2010 survey from Consumer Reports that found people tend to have a bad mood during their bad hair days while many resorted to crying and sulking after a botched haircut. The connection between hair and self-esteem actually goes way back to ancient history. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore beautiful wigs to make their social status and wealth known among people. Greek gods and goddesses were often portrayed with long, curly locks. Cleopatra had been immortalized with descriptions about her shiny, thick, black hair.
More Than Just A Bad Hair Day
While a bad hair day is commonly associated with bad hairstyle, poor hair quality, and a bad haircut, others experience a far more severe condition called alopecia. Alopecia is a chronic dermatological disorder affecting the hair follicles. People with alopecia become bald and in some cases lose their eyelashes and eyebrows. There are many types of alopecia. The two most common types are traction alopecia and androgenic alopecia. Traction alopecia is a form of gradual hair loss caused primarily by pulling the hair forcefully on a regular basis such as wearing tight ponytails, ballet buns, cornrows, and dreadlocks. Androgenic alopecia is also known as pattern baldness and affects both men and women.
A 2005 study found bald people, particularly those with alopecia, suffer psychologically. Their baldness damaged them emotionally which eventually leads to personal, social, and work-related problems. People who have severe hair loss showed higher levels of anxiety and depression. They also have poor self-esteem, poorer quality of life, and poorer body image. About 40 percent of women with alopecia suffered marital problems and about 63 percent experienced career related problems.
Promoting Awareness On The Importance Of Good Hair Day
Not many are aware of the psychological effects of hair loss. Hence, there are few organizations that would like to promote awareness. For one, the American Academy of Dermatology has declared August to be the National Hair Loss Awareness Month. The goal of the event is to educate those suffering from hair loss about the treatments available. The event is also designed to empower those with hair loss problems, encourage them to reach out, and know that they are not the only one suffering from low self-esteem because of hair loss. In support of the Hair Loss Awareness Month, HairMax, a leader in laser hair growth technology, launched the “How HairMax Would Change My Life” contest. Participants can submit a video explaining why he or she or a loved one wants a HairMax Laser Growth device, and how it would change their hair and life! HairMax will select four videos to win a HairMax LaserBand 82 (retail value $799). The HairMax LaserBand 82 delivers therapeutic light energy to the hair follicles through 82 medical-grade lasers. Note that these lasers are not LED lights. These lasers stimulate hair follicles, reverse thinning, restore hair’s natural growth cycle, and promote fuller, denser hair growth. HairMax devices are FDA cleared and clinically proven to make hair grow again.
Why Hair Matters
We all know that “what is essential is invisible to the eye.” However, our physical appearance radiates externally what we have benevolently inside. A common notion is that what others say affect our self-image but it all starts with how we carry and present ourselves to others. If we look good when we feel good about ourselves, then others have a better perception of us, and then it all comes back to us feeling respected and confident. That dignified feeling impacts how we run our lives and it all can start with that one good hair day.